*Awards Ceremony

August 11, 2007

Drum Roll Please!!!

It’s time to bestow five awards to some of the wonderful people who make my little corner of the blogosphere a better place. Thank you again One Mystical Monkey for My First Blogger Award which alows me to honor others.

Though I know she just received the Thoughtful Blogger Award, I am still going to pass that award on to Gabrielle. Not only is her writing wonderfully evocative, she never fails to make you feel at home during your visit. How to Survive Suburban Life

Though I haven’t spent a lot of time at her site, I really think LJW deserves the Thoughtful Blogger Award because her whole blog is honoring others. Imagine. That blows my mind. REMARKABLE BLOGGERS
Honoring Bloggers

The Courageous Blogger Award I will pass to my son who is getting back in shape for Ironman triathlons after a long time away from working out. I think just the fact that he tells us each week what he weighs when he is not feeling good about that number is reason enough to bestow this award. The Road Back to Ironman

“I’ll pack up my emotional baggage and start breathing.” Ya gotta love it. That’s a quote from Universe in a Single Atom I haven’t spent a lot of time there either, it’s too much like reading my own writing, but I think the name of the blog is reason enough to bestow The Inspirational Blogger Award.

Thanks to all of you for making the blogosphere a rewarding place to spend some time!

You may pick up your choice of graphics and read all about the awards at Writer’s Reviews

The Inspirational Blogger Award

For those bloggers who inspire others through their words and actions. With a positive attitude, and an uplifting spirit these bloggers make the blogosphere a better place, and encourage others to do the same. This award is for bloggers who rise up to set an example but continue to reach out and support others.

The Courageous Blogger Award

For those bloggers who are battling or have battled with physical and mental illness, those who are survivors of abuse, poverty, or who have overcome other challenges in life. Those who serve in the military or work/volunteer in dangerous situations in order to provide a service or to help others. This award is for the strong, the brave, and the courageous.

The Thoughtful Blogger Award

For those who answer blog comments, emails, and make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous. Also for all of those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping others bloggers design, improve, and fix their sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others.

7 Responses to “*Awards Ceremony”

  1. suburbanlife Says:

    Thank you so very much, Trish, you honour me! G

  2. lynda Says:

    Oh, that is so nice of you! I appreciate that so much… Thank you, I am honored… blessings…

  3. Gloria Says:

    Well, Trish, I think you are very wise and an astute award-chooser!

    Thank you so much! This is really wonderful, and I am honored.

    God bless you, angel.

    With love,


  4. Thank you Trish! It is indeed a surprise for me. Thanks for your support.

  5. Lon Says:

    Wow–thanks! I think though that in my case there is a fine line between courage and psychosis.

  6. Trish Scott Says:

    Ha!!! Well son, you came by it honestly.

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